Union Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Total of 6 brands are available by this manufacturer Union Pharmaceuticals Ltd.List of Brands Manufactured by Union Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Umox (Powder For Suspension) 125 mg/5 mlAmoxicillinUnion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Umox (Paediatric Drops) 125 mg/1.25 mlAmoxicillinUnion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Ucep (Capsule) 250 mgCephalexinUnion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Ubro (Syrup) 4 mg/5 mlBromhexine HydrochlorideUnion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Clop-AS (Tablet) 75 mgAspirin + ClopidogrelUnion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Adol (Suspension) 120 mg/5 mlParacetamolUnion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.